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Free me from despair, sadness, pain and crying. If it is your will, or if it is necessary for me to go through this difficult test because it is written in the divine plan, then I ask you to come out of this agony as quickly as possible, stronger in my faith than ever, and with the teaching that this experience has to give me. Influence both my body and my mind, so that your beneficial energy revitalizes my spirit and encourages me to face difficulties. Product Description Saints are spiritual beings who have been tasked with maintaining this Earth, watching over the affairs of humanity and each has dominion over a portion of nature. Though temptations should assail me, I will hope in Thee, though I should sink beneath my weakness, I will hope in Thee still, though I should break my resolutions a thousand times, I will look to Thee confidently for grace to keep them at last; though Thou shouldst slay me, even then will I trust Thee, for Thou art my God, my Father and my Friend.