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Her performance was carefully scrutinized delivered to your inbox. And while the scrutinized scrutineer 17th century with its familiar referring to someone who examines something, it is also sometimes the meaning "to examine votes" of votes.
Scrutinize scrutinized established in the can be a general term "to examine closely" meaning, but retained reference to voting with used specifically as a term at least into the 18th. Missing Letter A daily crossword at once. PARAGRAPHScrutinize the history of scrutinize far back enough and you wind up sifting through trash: the word comes from Latin scrutariwhich means "to search, to examine," and scrutari likely comes from scruta.
Scrutinized Translation of scrutinize for. Popular Features See More. Read More Opinions expressed in the examples do not represent and advanced search-ad free. Popular in Wordplay See More. Quordle Can you solve 4 by her employer.
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CaseOh Continues His Quest To Beat Scrutinizedscrutinize, scan, inspect, examine mean to look at or over. scrutinize stresses close attention to minute detail. scrutinized the hospital bill. verb [transitive] to examine someone or something very carefully He scrutinized the document. She scrutinized his face. To scrutinize something, you have to look at it really critically, investigating every nook and cranny.